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The plan going forward

Cain's Inheritor
A downloadable game

So what's the deal?

If you have played the base game you might be very confused. The game sucks, its short, it doesn't make much sense, is there a story?

The answer to all these points is: I know. 

So what am i gonna do about it? I'm gonna make it better. 

 I work full time already so working on this is more like a kinda hobby. I do all the art and stuff alone, and I'm not great at it, so it will take some time for me to make any cool additions like these:

  1. A proper intro
    1. This is something i actually wanted to put into the GamJam submission, but I didn't have time cause I got sickish (Read: I couldn't fucking sleep.
  2. Better combat
    1. I want to add proper combat that is much faster paced where you switch between different weapons for different uses. I want to add a spear, axe, sword, and bow. 
    2. Each of the different weapons will have different attack timing
    3. Enemies also need to be better. The game feels like Vampire Survivors and while that was the goal for the GameJam, that is not what I want to do overall. Yay for prototyping.
  3.  More, better animations. 
    1. There is isn't a lot to say that isn't obvious. There was one animated sprite in the game, that needs to be changed. Time to shake off the animating rust. 

When is this going to happen?

When it happens. Like i said, i am working on this by  myself for now. At some point, i will likely get help, but until then, its just me. I will work on it again, i promise. But i am going to wait till the GameJam is done judging before i make any changes. Who knows, there might be some good feedback, but if I'm being honest, there is not much to judge. 

If you are reading this, thanks for reading this far, and i'll see you in the future.

Download Cain's Inheritor
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