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Making Alon's Character Sheet

Stellar Collision
A downloadable game for Windows

Alon is one of the main characters of Stellar Collision's narrative despite arriving later in the story. Here's how one of our awesome artists, X, designed their take on Alon:

At first, there was not much about Alon --formerly Moon Man-- but since the game would have aspects of Filipino culture, I looked at their mythology and that's how I found out about the Filino moon deity, Bulan, and decided to have them as the base or starting point in designing him.

After going down a Pinterest rabbit hole in finding inspiration for the game, I came across a couple of pins depicting Visayan men and I thought they seemed fitting for what I had in mind for Alon's design in terms of build and facial features. This would then cause another research spiral with Visayans and their culture instead.

In the character sheet, I have 2 designs for Alon: one with him in clothes inspired by pre-colonial Visayan clothing as an outfit he'd wear for official affairs pertaining to his duties as the heir and future ruler of the Mayai Technocracy; and another more casual but put-together everyday outfit for when he's conducting experiments and research for his inventions.

His official outfit takes a lot of inspiration from pre-colonial Visayan clothing in which the fabric of his pants drapes around him, the open long vest/coat, and the ornaments and jewelry. Another part of his design that's exclusive to this outfit are his tattoos on his arms that depict traditional Visayan tribal tattoos of waves hence his namesake as well as one of the core elements of the Mayai Techocracy -- that being the moon and water.

His everyday outfit is much more akin to a stereotypical inventor/researcher in a fantasy setting with the Victorian tailcoat, suit, boots, gloves, handbag, and half-glasses. The zigzag-like patterns found on the lapels and cuffs of his tailcoat are the Visayan tribal markings for wind, which pairs with the wave and fishscale pattern on the tails of his coat for a wind and sea theme.

The logo on the back of his a combination of several things pertaining to the Mayai Technocracy and its specialties: the sea, science, minerals, and the moon. There is a ship's wheel, a compass, a gemstone, an atomic atom, and the moon all in it. At the center is a diamond shape to represent the minerals and jewels of the land with a crescent moon on the right side of it. The two lines intersecting into an X in the middle of the design with the diamond shape is reminiscent of an atomic atom to represent the nation's preference for the sciences and invention. The four triangles coming out of the diamond's planes in combination to the circle and spokes in the back are a ship's wheel and a compass, symbolizing the nation's value in innovation.

As for the half-glasses, they were initially proposed to be a monocle but after looking into how monocles work, it wouldn't make the most sense if I had kept it to the original idea. This is because monocles are kept in place with the muscles around the eye, but since East and Southeast Asian facial structures are more flat than Europeans', a monocle wouldn't work for Alon. I still wanted to keep the basic idea of a monocle -- that being a single lens -- since that's more unique as opposed to goggles, so I modified the design so it would be more like half-glasses, and I included more curve to the arm to hook around Alon's ear as he wears it due to the design being front-heavy with the 3 magnifying lenses attached to it. 

- X, Part of our Artiste w/ Zero Sleep and Story Gremlins

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