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2024 January Development log

Beast folks Hotel
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Hello everyone the first month of the new year is over and time for me to share what I got done during this time.

First a bit of personal talk I took a week break from the project after releasing the new version to relax a bit and to plan out since a new term of my university will start which will take up my time.

But back to the game during this month I had to think about where to go for the next build either get the last two characters into the build or to finish the pairs. So while in the art department I worked for both area getting one CG done for each pair only leaving one left for the pairs, for the dragon I got the first two CG and for the sheep currently just one.

In the writing part I already had the dragon and sheep story and bonus dialog done just needed to import just the sheep in the unity engine. But that wasn't my focus this month instead I focus on the dialog when unlocking the debuffs for the wolf character and also import it, currently finish writing all the dialog for unlocking each debuff when it's just the wolf character, and with either crow or bat character.

With the writing I also focusing on finishing coding in the debuffs for the wolf character not the generics one but the more unique ones cause as

Disapproving family: Every time you piss of the wolf character (matching the skull token) destroy either all heart, cross, or bottle tokens (the support tokens)

Fear of missing out (can only be active in the single date): if making a match of the same type twice in a row will make you lose a bit of your multiplier

Oldest child mindset (can only be active in the double date): can only accept a gift (use a item) if the other person has gotten a gift before hand first. 

For my plan on the next month I will continue to method on the art/CG for the writing I will finish the dialog for the wolf's debuff once done I will move on to the crow's debuff, and finally for the coding I will try to start on coding the buff system aka the last system needed for the game if not that then I will do the crows debuff.

Well that's all thanks for reading and see you all next month.

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