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The Minigame Update

Creats! - Virtual Pets
A downloadable virtual pet for Windows and Linux

The Minigame update is here! What can you expect to find?

The big feature this update is, of course, Minigames! Take your creat out on a walk and watch them leap over obstacles, help them sort electronics components into the right buckets, and let out their creative side with the power of dance! Minigames will earn you money (which doesn't do anything yet but I promise it's tracked and saved) and they'll help your creat grow their stats (which also do nothing yet but THEY'RE DEFINITELY REAL).

In addition to this big feature are some smaller ones, like improved UI, a help page to explain what the buttons are, and a new and improved save system. The save system should be able to load your current creat and update it, but there is a small chance it will be lost in nullspace and you'll have to re-summon it.

You may have noticed that this update took a while to come out. Unfortunately, life circumstances got in the way, and they will continue to. If you want to know what the future of Creats looks like, keep an eye out for an upcoming post where I explain the plan. Spoiler, though; It'll be a while before you get more Creats.


  • 82 MB
    Version 3
  • 79 MB
    Version 2
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