Alpha 10 is ready!
What’s new in Alpha 10:
- Particle effects (smoke for houses work, smoke for damaged houses, dust effects for plans placement and for house destruction, emitters that could be placed on terrain in MapEd (e.g. mist).
- SSAO (aka prettier lighting)
- New custom antialiasing (FXAA2 and FXAA3.11 partially)
- Smoothed out unit animations
- Revised house-placement (Trees and other objects block house placement from all 4 sides now, Added house plan icon showing where the road for the entrance needs to be)
- Imported more unit models and animations
- New maps from 2018 mini-competition
- Allowed builders to uproot trees and small stones
- Revised fish-catching
- Quick unit/house selection panel in game UI on the right (Ctrl+1//0)
- Revised wind effects to act uniformly on flags, particles and map objects
- Expanded undo/redo in MapEd (units, houses, etc.)
- Unified main menu and gameplay options pages
- Separate volume controls for sounds (alerts, effects, menu)
- New map decoration objects – stockade fences
- Revised and fixed house unlock order
- Reworked AI
- Revised food nutritious values
- Sound for messages opened and closed
- Displaying proper music titles in options menu
- And as always a whole lot of bugfixes and smaller improvements