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COSR Design Summary 7

COSR (Cosier OSR)
A downloadable game

Work continues! I've almost completed my first comprehensive revision and rewrite pass. Most of my focus has been on refining GM and Players guidance on cozy play, table skills, and crafting engaging challenges. That last bit has been a trip as the attempt to explain things has made me think through a lot of ttRPG elements I've just always taken for granted. 

It's currently sitting at about 4,000 words.
Game Rules: 700 words
Gear, Treasure, and Rewards: 900 words
Guidance for Playing, GMing, and Adventure-crafting: 2,400 words

I'm working on paring all three sections down, especially that last one!

Anyway, I'm off to keep working on it! Here's a fun little NPC-generator I'm working on for it!

Create a Random NPC

Cast a d6+d4 to determine the NPC's Primary Motive and use the d4 result to determine the NPC's Initial Reaction to encountering the Characters.  

Primary Motive (d6+d4)
2 Angry
3 Desperate
4 Sad
5 Suspicious
6 Confused
7 Polite
8 Sympathetic
9 Generous
10 Joyful

Initial Reaction (use d4 result rolled above)
1 Mean
2 Disagreeable
3 Nonchalant
4 Neighborly

Thank you for being awesome and good luck in all things!

Download COSR (Cosier OSR)
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