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January 2024 Progress Update

Overall Progress

A lot of progress has been made! 

The second section is almost fully functionally complete, and the "intermission" connecting section 2 and 3 is  fully   complete. The only thing left to do before all my focus can go onto section 3, is  to finish a mini-boss, and then I'm free to move on!

(The mini-boss I need to program in. At least they look cute!)

Not only is the second section functionally complete, but the soundtrack for it is completely done as well!  A  lot of the tracks I've made years ago, so I've enjoyed tidying them up as I improve over the years.   Some of my favorites to make though,    are the ones that only show up for a single room,  or a single interaction. Yet despite that, I pour way too much effort into making them.    Here's one of those , paired with a silly video of  "The Traffic Team!"

"I'm happy those ruffians are finally  spending their time doing something that DOESN'T cause property damage!" - Unhappy Victim of The Traffic Team

How Things Will Continue To Progress

I am still going to work on this game as often as I  can, but with school picking up in the next few months, it may cause things to slow down a bit. But!! Even if it slows down, it'll never stop fully...

That's a Gustavo Guarantee.

I'm very excited to fully begin work on section 3, I've been planning a lot of it for years now and  I cannot wait to finally be able to see some of those ideas play out.

Closing Thoughts

I hope this was informative! I'm trying to compact years of progress down, as the demo was actually functionally complete quite a while ago, I just spent so much time trying to make everything perfect that it's release was put off way too long.   As I continue doing these progress updates, hopefully I'll find more grounding on how to organize them, as there will be less to summarize. But until then, you get my train-of-thought-y ramblings. Oh well!

I wish anyone reading this a fantastic day and night! Goodbye!

Download The Legendary Adventures of Skinbag Ralph
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