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Attack Revamps and Lock-On System

Lair of the Namazu
A downloadable game

Long time no see! I've been pretty busy with personal things in the past couple of months, but I finally managed to get an update in! 

A couple of things have been changed since the last update. First, I changed the force of attacks with the launch damage type to be independent from the strength of an attack's forward thrust. You might notice in this gameplay footage that characters launch a shorter, but higher distance. I've also implemented a new type of damage to stun characters. Second, instead of the player having access to a string of light attacks, this has been changed to a singular attack with varying animations. Last, and probably the biggest change to this update, is that the game now has a staple in any combat system, a lock-on system! The player will now be able to move around a singular enemy for more precise attacks and aiming, as well as switching between nearby enemies. 

As evident from my GitHub repository, the lock-on system went through several different changes. I wasn't satisfied with the initial lock-on system that I had implemented, so I tried different behaviors and implementations, and I've achieved the one you see in the gameplay footage. As my game production professor once said, we should see embrace change rather than fear it as great games are made by testing often rather than meticulously following an outline. 

My tasks going forward are to flesh out the combat (you might notice a cable attached to the player, which will become of use in a future update). I'll also need to go through and modify some values as the actual combat in the game is currently unbalanced, with the heavy attack being overpowered, and the player unable to escape being attack my multiple enemies. 

I've got my work cut out for me, but I'm making progress and I'm so excited to see where I'll go from here! 

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