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The Girls of your Dreams

The Girls of your Dreams
A browser game made in HTML5

This devlog is a bit late, cause I took a vacation for a couple of weeks to spend time with my family and recharge my batteries. Hope you had a great holiday season too! Now I'm back with double the energy, so let's take a look at what we got.

New encounter: The Bazaar

That's right, you find yourself in a marketplace. Just look at all those stalls that are bursting with merchandise!

Its quite a busy place too!

Actually, the market customers will not be catgirls, I just don't have any suitable sprites yet, so I used them xD. This screenshot is mostly for you to get an idea of the density of the crowd. By the way, they are all moving - it was not easy to avoid lags, but I think I managed it.

Secondly, almost all the content for this encounter has also been added. Pay attention to the two alleys that branch off from the square. At the end of one of them you'll find a guard post - don't bother them, although you can try to befriend one of them - it never hurts to have allies among the city guards.

At the end of the opposite alley, you will meet a girl with a special offer...

I hope you can afford it! And if not, you can always try to steal something - just be prepared for the possible consequences.

Talking revamp

We're moving on to the next encounter, but I won't tell you what it will be just yet. All I will tell you is that in this encounter, you will have to show your skills as a negotiator. You may wonder: how can we do that if the game doesn't allow us to choose any answer options in conversations? Well, now it does!

When using the "talk" action, you are now given three options for what exactly you want to say: a compliment, a joke, or something lewd. The specific phrase the character says still depends on their characteristics and who they're talking to. In the good old tradition, if the hero is dumb, then he will say something stupid (here, in fact, you do not even have a choice). If the hero is smart or attractive (and preferably both at once), then the phrase will hit "right on the mark". But if the hero is average in all respects - not completely stupid, not exactly smart, and not particularly handsome, then he'll say something mediocre.

Absolutely every phrase in the game has been rewritten from scratch - that is ~170 completely new phrases! Hopefully, the use of talking mechanics should now become a bit more varied, and the new encounter should emphasize that.

New title

You might've noticed it by now, yeah. As much as I personally like the name NetShag, I have to admit that it's not a good title for a final product. And even though our product is still a long way from the final stage, I decided it was time to do a little rebranding. Many thanks to my author for the great idea for the new name! The Girls of your Dreams are waiting for you, dear reader!


  • 236 MB
    Version 36
  • 283 MB
    Version 36
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