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Esoteric Ebb - Demo Release!

Esoteric Ebb
A downloadable game

Hey everyone!

In February 2023 I released an early version of Esoteric Ebb here on Steam. I called it the First Draft Playtest, because it really, really was. Containing about 50k words of dialog, it was the first real attempt I made at putting together a sizable playable version of EBBRPG - a project I've tinkered with since 2018,

I had my doubts about making it a public playtest. Most dialogs were actually first drafts. The magic system was almost incomprehensible (I'm still shocked some people figured it out, well done!). The Questing Tree wasn't even close to finished.

But the response was amazing. Almost two thousand players joined the playtest, and over a hundred of you sent me extensive feedback. I hope it's clear how much of that feedback has gone into the work I've done over the last nine months.

Esoteric Ebb: Second Draft Demo

  • Reworked magic system
  • Functional Questing Tree (with feats!)
  • A new draft of all dialogs
  • Redesign of turn-based encounters
  • Updated character creation
  • New areas
  • New characters
  • Controller support (and WASD!)

I officially invite you all to try out the new demo! Feel free to send any feedback you have to me, or post it here on the Steam Discussion, or join the Discord and ask me anything you want!

Thanks again for checking out Esoteric Ebb. I have a feeling the next nine months will be even more eventful.

-Christoffer Bodegård


  • Esoteric Ebb Second Draft Demo 164 MB
    Jan 20, 2024
Download Esoteric Ebb
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