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A new Idea for 2024 Godot 4 FPS Pro Beta

Godot 4 FPS Pro
A downloadable asset pack

Hi Guys,

Last week I posted a devlog on creating a Shotgun for the Godot 4 FPS Pro template. 

And someone asked me if I could update the FPS pro template to include this. But I had a massive issue... The new update was not 100% ready. I'm still fighting the IK system and trying to Animate the FPS rig. Which I'm really not very good at. But my ultimate vision for this product is to have a rig with IK.

So I've decided to upload more frequent snap shots of the progress labeled as BETA so that you can grab and use if you want or just use as a learning tool.

The update includes.

  • An FPS Rig with animations
  • A lot of updates to the Camera Shake
  • Full IK Support for the RIG
    • I'm not sure how this system would work if you swapped the rig. Would Love to hear feedback
  • Projectile Refactor. You now need to  create "projectiles" to load into every weapon. These can be hitscan or rigid body. And the class can be overridden to make anything. eg a shotgun.
  • Move State machine
    • This includes the Following States
    • Idle
    • Crouch
    • Run
    • Sprint
    • Jump
    • Fall
  • There's also the ability to lean. with Q and E. Although I have not re mapped the interact key
  • New map that looks a little more professional

There may be a few bugs with the recoil system. I've noticed that random recoil does not behave as nicely as path2d recoil

So this is the major updates I'm going with. I apologize for how long the update is taking. I bit of a lot and should have staggered the updates. Put out the state machine before moving on to IK.

In Order to complete this update and have it considered to be more stable. I would like to have better animations, I'm very new to animating and I'm having a lot of trouble making something that I would consider passable. The shotgun reload for example is entirely place holder with only basic movements in place (the had just moves to where the shell would be loaded). 

I also want to add more weapons, a sniper and an AK are what are currently planned with Rigid body projectile examples.

I also would like to implement a better secondary action function.

This week I want to send out a survey to all that have purchased the FPS Pro and find out what you would like to see in the next updates.



  • Godot FPS PRO 2.0 BETA 281 MB
    Jan 20, 2024
Download Godot 4 FPS Pro
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