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Coding Gems: Crafting Doors, Shaping Choices, and Collaborative Challenges

Quest for Dominion
A downloadable game

[1/18/2024] Stacy Felde

In my recent coding adventures, the primary focus has been on enhancing game mechanics and overcoming collaborative challenges. A significant achievement was the successful implementation of code for prison doors and wooden doors, prioritizing seamless interactions through box collisions and gem checks, thus providing players with diverse choices by shifting from key-based to gem-based door openings. While the integration of doors and gems into the game level marked substantial progress, persistent challenges emerged, particularly with the functioning of the lock symbol.

To further enrich player choices, a strategic decision was made to eliminate the inventory, redirecting the focus to using gems for in-game actions. Subsequent tasks involved the conversion of gems into code, updates to doors, and the resolution of unexpected challenges related to on-click and on-hover events. Despite personal commitments, my coding journey resumed with the smooth conversion of collectable allies into code, reflecting our team's resilience and dedication to project timelines.

Collaborative efforts have centered around transferring stats between levels and addressing volume-related challenges. However, challenges persist in aspects like XP updating and volume saving during combat. The latest work continued the collaborative focus on saving and volume management, highlighting persistent challenges with stats and the level-up component.

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