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Confusing Rooms foi lançado/Confusing Rooms has been released

Confusing Rooms
A downloadable game for Windows

Isso mesmo, nosso primeiro jogo, o Confusing Rooms foi lançado, ESTAMOS MUITO FELIZES que lançamos nosso primeiro jogo, gostariamos de pedir desculpas a qualquer um que tenha baixado nessas primeras duas horas, tivemos uns problemas com o jogo e o arquivo estava injogavel, mas já consertamos e dá pra baixar de boa, muito obrigado a todos que viram essa tragetoria! Em breve teremos mais um jogo sendo feito e avisaremos pra vocês, caros acompanhadores!

That's right, our first game, Confusing Rooms was released, WE ARE VERY HAPPY that we released our first game, we would like to apologize to anyone who downloaded it in the first two hours, we had some problems with the game and the file was unplayable, But we've already fixed it and it's OK to download, thank you very much to everyone who saw this story! Soon we will have another game being made and we will let you know, dear followers!


  • Confusing 756 MB
    Jan 19, 2024
Download Confusing Rooms
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