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The atmosphere update 0.8

Baby 3D Plugin for Construct 2
A downloadable plugin

This marks a major step which I have dubbed "the atmosphere update" for a reason. Including two new plugins which were on my most-wanted list before hitting 1.0 with Baby 3D

These are not behaviors but their own world objects. Although B3D Particles almost turned out a behavior to be added to the C2 particles object yet that proved to be not the best idea. 

It's fairly versatile and provides more properties to tweak and even does support animation. 

While that's already really good in my humble opinion the real heavy hitter here is B3D Vertex Light, which isn't an actual light at all. But it's a very good way to splash vertex colors around the scene and sort of acts as pre-baked lighting adding a lot of character and perceived detail to an otherwise bland scene. 

Placed in the layout like you would a point light it affects objects with B3D Box, B3D Plane and B3D Cylinder behaviors when applied via action.

A less significant yet useful addition is the new diffuse color property for the aforementioned behaviors. You can tint or dim textures with this for a similar effect like different sectors were "lit" in DOOM for example. 

Just be aware that opening a project that was saved previously with an older version your geometry might appear completely black now unfortunately as this property did not exist before. To restore the original look change the diffuse color to white (which is the default).

With now most if not all basic pieces in place I'm putting together a little showcase project in form of a fps level. So look forward to that. 


  • added new plugin B3D Particles
  • added new plugin B3D Vertex Light
  • added diffuse color (property) to B3D Box, B3D Plane and B3D Cylinder
  • fixed B3D Cylinder UV Offsets not working
  • updated B3D Box, B3D Plane and B3D Cylinder to support vertex color
Download Baby 3D Plugin for Construct 2
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