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Release Notes 1/16

Zombie Bomber Game [Titleless Prototype]
A browser game made in HTML5

New with release:

  • Plane now makes passes in both directions, alternating in between. This allows targets on the left side more accessible.
  • Shell casings are ejected from the gun upon firing.
  • Different physics and color for Precision shot.
  • Created bullet trail effect for Precision shot.
  • Implemented propeller animation for the plane.
  • Glass on plane is now clear.
  • Updated artwork for "small pine" tree.
  • Temporary Start menu with placeholder title.


  • 3 new levels
  • Exploding barrels which can be triggered by bullets, shrapnel, and other explosions.
  • Aded fade-out effect to both zombie and survivor death sequences.
  • Bullet impact sparks fade out.
  • Laser precision shot - Holding 'L' shines a laser which shows the projected bullet path, releasing 'L' releases the single shot. This can be used to pick off zombies that are uncomfortably close to survivors.
  • Improved campfire flicker effect.
  • Rain and lightning effects.
  • Improved visibility of grenade fragments/ground debris.
  • Arrows that identify the locations of survivors before the start of each  level.
  • Red exclamation mark appears above survivors if they are killed.

Currently planned:

  • Improved control mapping.
  • Better way to defeat zombies in the first 1/4-1/3 of the level.
  • Various interaction effects for when zombies collide with survivors. This may be different depending on if the survivor is holding a weapon.
  • Display "zombies remaining" and "survivors remaining required" variables in HUD.
  • improved contrast for grenade fragments/debris.
  • 2d platformer-style refueling level where player will fend off zombies until plane is refueled.
  • Additional weapon types which will be ulocked over time rather than all provided from the beginning.
  • Zombies will ignite when colliding with a campfire.
  • Additional art assets for cabins/structures.
  • Final stage - At the end of each set (world/biome) of levels, the ground will move beneath the plane as it clears one long level in one pass.
  • Additional worlds/biomes.
  • Different bullet impact effect for when bullet hits water tile. (Animation complete, not yet implemented)
  • Start menu and level selection screen.
  • Aseprite animations
  • Sound effects
  • Original music
  • Molotov cocktail weapon that causes nearby humanoids to catch on fire.
  • Snow

Notable known bugs:

  • Grenades intermittently don't bounce off of colliders and stick into the ground
  • Conflicting logic when player simultaneously kills the last zombie and a survivor causing conditions for level completionand level failure to both be triggered. I've managed to at least prevent advancing to new level in this scenario.
  • Dropping a grenade while firing machine gun can cause them to collide which preemptively starts the detonation timer, causing a mid-air explosion.
  • Layering of certain assets is set incorrectly causing certain objects to unintentionally poke out into the foreground.
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