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Updates on the Incoming Update!

Crush Landed Demo
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

(Taken from our most recent Crush Landed Devlogs Forum Post)

Well, it's that time again, time for another devlog. Here are some things that have changed since the last devlog:

The date mechanic is now being modeled after Love Hina Sim Date RPG's date system. What exactly does that mean? Well, it means there will be multiple mechanics that make a date successful, including gift-giving, talking, and kissing your crush.  For now, there are 4 different date locations. Originally each date location was going to have a separate minigame, but for now, it's looking like that will be more difficult to implement than I thought. A lot of the Lemma soft forums' renpy cookbook code is out of date, making it harder for a noob programmer like me to figure things out without breaking stuff.  Because of this, dates may seem a tad bit repetitive until further updates are implemented to balance out gameplay. 

I've implemented Vincent's endings but haven't finished drawing the art for them. The update will be released once I have at least 2 endings for all four love interests. (a good ending and a bad ending)

Another small victory is I have implemented the love stats screen, allowing the player to check how well they're doing with their crush by clicking the small, two hearts button on the upper right-hand corner of the main in-game menu.

Here are some screenshots of things I have done so far:

The main in-game menu 

Date menu example (GUI will be updated for it later)

What else is there? I know there's something I'm forgetting...

Oh yeah! Customizable sprites. If Crush Landed gets popular enough, I'd like to make a character customizer for the player. This will take quite a lot of work and likely won't be in the next update, but it is something I definitely would like to have in the final game.  Thank you to everyone who has played so far and I hope to update the game soon!

Lots of love, Cici

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