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The Beginning

Magic Hands
A downloadable game

Magic Hands is actually the third game that I've ever fully published. It started out as a game jam game back for the 2016 GGJ. One of the things that I never got a chance to implement was the magic system...or rather, the specific design for it. The original design for the magic system was to draw patterns across the screen in order to activate certain spells, whether it was a longer jump, an attack or knock back spell against an enemy. Everything else was pretty much the way I had wanted it except for that but as time passed, I got tired of constantly having to update for the newest Android OS and eventually just removed it. It's now been six years since it had released so now it's time to see if I can get that magic system working how we had envisioned it during the Game jam.

I may add more levels and design them a bit differently, one thing I'll have to check is if any of the assets I bought in the Unity store from back then are good still or if they are all deprecated. Time to get started, I'm excited! Remaking these games has been a welcomed break to the current project, Mind's Eye. RPG Maker has been a pain but if I wasn't already so far into it then I'd have stopped a long time ago and switched to Unity.

I'm also working on a Zelda styled game in UE 5 but those are both for a different day and devlog.

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