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Update v0.2

A downloadable game


Improved Jail:

- Tutorials are mostly working, along with fancy new text and images.

- Added more to the tileset for the Jail, there is also now a secret breakable wall. Good luck finding it.

- Added a "mess" to the first hallway. 👀

- Eb now walks away, and fades out with his cloak after the cutscene if you walk immediately towards the right you can catch this detail.

Reworked City:

Created new tileset, remade the level from ground up.

First mini-boss added in:

Volunteer Officer Rick is up to the task of trying to bring Santa in. On what charges? Being a troublemaker.

Multiple NPCs added in:

Pip, Slick, Bob, Cowboy, and Beat have been added to the city. Go talk to them! Bring them items to look at. They might have something to say.

Added reactive HUD to the game:

- Health, and attack charge work properly, no effects added yet.

- Chain reacts to how far it is from the player. (see Anvil changes)

- Portrait is animated, and now reacts based on amount of health remaining.

Anvil Reworked:

- Anvil no longer slows player. Might try to added it back in, but it felt clunky.

- Anvil has a max distance before teleporting back to the player.

- Anvil has a max throw distance before the chain snaps back at player.

Music Updated:

- To avoid eventual copyright issues, the fun music has been removed, and I've chosen new songs for the areas. None of them are set in stone yet.

Cutscenes Voiced:

More cutscenes added into the game, and they are all voiced now. Say hello to Santa, Pip, Ricky, and Eb! Looking for better voice actors, cause I'm not good!

Bug Fixes:
- Should no longer crash from calling a pure virtual function. (yipppeee!)


  • 380 MB
    Dec 24, 2023
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