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Dev Log - Version 0.3 Update (January)

Days of Youth
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

Hello everyone,

      First of all, I hope you all had a great year of 2023, and I wish you a great 2024.

      Second of all, I am sorry for not posting any news in the last couple of months, the main reasons for that were:

      - Due to my full-time job. Been pretty stress full these past months due to the Christmas season, because I work at an electronics retail shop, and people go crazy around this time of the year, but since it is over now, it has calmed down a bit, so I hope I'll have more time from now on, and a bit less stress.

      - Another reason was due to the actual game development, maybe adding up to the reason above, I didn't feel like working on it, and every time I tried, I would end up not doing much, or nothing at all, because it was not going as I expected it to be (I have a bit of a perfectionist side, and get frustrated when things don't go as I expected), and would end up quitting for that day.

      Those were the main two reasons for my absence, but now that everything is calmer, and my mind cleaner, I decided to not push myself more than I should, and just do what I know I can do.  I don't need to overdo it, and try to learn everything at once, to make what I want perfect, just try to be a bit better today than I was yesterday.

      Now for the actual Dev Log, like I said above, I didn't do much, besides some fixes here and there, and a couple of new renders. So far we have a main screen rework, and main menus too, and some new menus.  Also, have a bit of the story written, and some renders done. For this update what I have left to do, is finishing the story and the renders, the menus are pretty much done (for now). I also want to launch a mobile version at the same time as the update, from now on.

      As for future updates,  I'm planning on adding some translations. I'll change the version naming method, because I understand calling every new update, chapter 1,2,3... is not the right way to do it, and might confuse or mislead people.

      This is all for now, thank you, everyone, for your continuous support in any way possible, and I hope to write you soon.


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