is community of indie game creators and players


In the Home Stretch

Bad Apple
A downloadable game for Windows

It's almost launch day! I wanted to check in and mention some of the things we learned so far!

Things we have learned so Far:

It takes ALOT longer to make a game than you think it does. It feels like we spent every free second working on this game and we ended up scaling it down to one aisle anyways (we do want to add more aisle later!)

Sometimes Unity just hates you and you don't know why. If all else fails, close Unity and try again.

Simple bugs take a long time to fix! some bugs took me DAYS to figure out even though it was seemingly simple. A good example of this was my dialogue Manager, which I remade about 4 times in order to get it right.

You can put a state machine inside a state machine (state machine-ception). We did this in order to control all the different states of our enemies.

If you think something will take you X amount of time to do, double it and if you think you can achieve X amount, half it.

I have gotten a lot more comfortable using the Game Manager and I've learned just how powerful it can be.

I learned how to use the Audio System in Unity, and how to trigger sounds at specific times.

I really enjoyed the design aspect of creating this game and really letting our personalities shine through in small ways. 

I got a lot more comfortable with coroutines. They were a bit of an odd concept to me in the sense that I wasn't sure where I would use them in the real world, but using them in this project solidified their power for me.

Games are a labour of love, and I will never criticize another game dev again (Your favourite game probably induced roughly 50 mental breakdowns. Probably more).

I am so incredibly proud of the work we have done and the product we have created. It may not look like much, but two newbie devs put this game together in one month and that absolutely blows my mind. I'm looking forward to further working on this and really making it shine! 7 months ago we knew nothing about coding or game development, and now we have made a game!

Download Bad Apple