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Rogue Night (0.3.2)a

Rogue Night
A downloadable game for Windows

This patch fixes a bunch of bugs. Some of them have been around for a while, while others were created by new features in the game.

Changelog 0.3.2a 
- The Witching Hour: Zombies now attack the player for an hour; from 3-4 AM
- Updated Rogue Night desktop icon (needs some more work.)
- Added splash screen when game is launched (this looks really bad, and will
probably be removed in the next update.)
- Zombies can now break interior resource items (crates, barrels, tables.)
- Items that spawn an NPC should no longer be craftable after death.
- A new game now starts with 0 resources, 1000 gold is still available on a new
game. This will be fixed next update.
- The game will no longer crash when a skeleton attacks a storage container.
- Storage containers now properly take damage rather than switching sprites.
- Strafing now has an animation
- Fixed a bug where the southern exit of Oar River Mine would send players to
the wrong area.
- NPCs now collide with interior resource objects.
- Stools no longer drop iron.
- Fixed a bug where the sun rise effect would run after leaving a darkened area
in the middle of the day, and vice versa.
- Reworked the multi-tool gathering animation and mechanics to make it feel less


  • Rogue Night (Install) 207 MB
    Jan 10, 2024
  • Rogue Night (Zip) 194 MB
    Jan 10, 2024
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