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Kickstarter and new room transitions!

Palins Fate
A downloadable game

Hi everyone!!

Big news first:

I have a Kickstarter page for the game now! I decided to create the Kickstarter to support my project, especially for music and the time that I'm investing. I also want to create some cool physical goods which I hope to show you soon! I will be ordering some samples sometime in February-March. I will be offering everything for world wide shipping. Now as for any type of clothing I'm not sure yet because the shipping cost can get very expensive for anything overseas. (I'm located on the East Coast in US). I might do clothing for US only or I might have to choose a higher pledge tier. Let me think about this:) Basically anything shipped in something else than an envelope and 1lbs or more can get costly.

Follow the Kickstarter here:


Estimated Launch date:

For now I decided sometime during the summer! June-Julyish!!

What goods will I offer?

  • Copy of game when complete
  • Stickers
  • Keychains
  • Posters
  • Possible T-shirts
  • possible throw pillows? 
  • notebooks?

When will the game be released and where?

Right now I'm thinking to release the game at the end of 2024. With PC versions in mind for now on Steam and Itch. I might look into consoles but I cant promise anything:)

How far along is the games development?

I'm trying my best not to overscope and I have an exact picture in my mind what I want the game to look like so I would say 40%? :)

More than 50% of the coding is done so now I'm focusing on gameplay and art for a while before doing anything else:)

Please remember I'm still saving for music so you can also support me on my Kofi! I also have planned to set up a Patreon. It has much more options on what I can post and how long my posts are. But no worries it will be same offers as Kofi just more detailed. 


Also at some point I will create a Discord. I don't know yet when. I feel like my day needs 48 hours so I can get everything done ha ha:))

Thank you so much for everyone's support and I cant wait to share more with you!

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