Posted January 08, 2024 by Cezar Capacle
Happy New Year, everyone!
First of all, I'd like to say thank you very much for your support. I've launched this campaign at the end of the year, and never imagined the kind of attention it received. Seeing that my little idea resonated with so many of you is really heartwarming. I couldn't ask for a better start to my year!
Now, I was expecting to deliver the final version today. I know that one week after a crowdfunding is over is a very short turnaround time for the industry standard, but I prefer to work that way (not only because I already have the next project lined up).
However, I had a terrible sinusitis crisis that knocked me back for 5 days. I tried to push through it, but couldn't sit down for more than 15 minutes at a time. I'm back on my feet now, and the last week has been of intense production! Considering all the love this game received, I'm really committed to make it the best I can.
So I am releasing an updated beta today, with a bunch of cool new stuff I made (we're over 150 tables now!). Without further ado, here's the changelog:
And here's what's left to do:
It feels like a lot, but the bulk of it is done, now. I've considered not releasing this beta and just letting you know it would take a few more days to finish the final version, but I wanted to assure you that progress has been made (and I can't wait for you to see the new tables and procedures, I think they are super fun). We went from 60 to 82 pages!
Anyway, thanks again for your continuous support, and I can't wait to deliver the final version for you soon! I'm truly pouring my heart and soul in this beauty.