is community of indie game creators and players


Finishing update

The End of the Line
A browser game made in HTML5

The finished version of The End of the Line is now live! This update includes the last three chapters—Cain's story, Elena's story, and the finale—which are unlocked after completing the other six chapters. If you already played the earlier version, I've left in an option to make all the chapters available from the start—though this may have unintended consequences! Thank you too to everyone who's left feedback already.

I hope you enjoy this piece! It's an idea I've wanted to make work for a very long time, and this was the perfect opportunity to make it happen. See you next month when I'll be trying to do something new with another old idea for the queer vampire jam... And also university work!


  • shuffle 2024-01-06.html 703 kB
    Jan 06, 2024
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