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TFT2D version 1.4

A downloadable game for Windows

Kind of a big changelog this time! The short version is augments have been added and a whole host of balance tweaks have been done to make the game flow a bit better.


Added end of stage augments!

 - Trait+1 for Arcane,Rogue,Eldritch,Twitchy

 - 40% chance for free shop refresh

 - 10xp

 - increased interest and 12 gold

 - more to come

Added more room in the trait hover tooltip to fit all the units that weren't displaying and the new augment bonuses

Bugfixes / Adjustments / Removals

stage 2 elite pool now includes the cockatrice

spearman given the Shield skill (Was previously missing a skill)

Skeleton Archer replaced with Wurm

Unified the levelling and UI code for exp, fixing you levelling up 'early'

Fixed selling a unit post-combat making the kill 'ding' sound effect instead of the sell sound effect

Fixed having no units on your board soft locking the game

Shop now refreshes after each combat

Fixed final boss sometimes showing up in stage 1

Fixed a case where auto-filling your board could cause the game to crash

Fixed the EXP & Refresh buttons in the shop having a border


Stage 1 elite 'Gladiator' 8000 -> 6000hp, attacks per second .7 -> .4, sprite scale 1.75->1.25, armour 15->25

final boss armour 25->40, hp 8000->16000

Cannon 400damage/0.4s 150/0.2s

General Ceri (Stage 2 elite) 325/1.1s -> 200/0.8s

Stage3 elite Scorpion was incomplete (and potentially crashed the run), has been replaced with Centurned. Centurned has supporting healers and so either functions as a DPS check or a backline access check.


 - fixed name not displaying in inspector

 - hp 1400 -> 650

Slime Spitter

 - hp 650 -> 450

Stage 3

 - added champion, 50/60 armour -> 60/15 so one boss is a physical damage check, one is a magic damage

 - titan size from 1.8->1

Captain changed from Eldritch/Arcane -> Eldritch/vanguard

Salvage changed from Support/Arcane -> Support/Vanguard

Vanguard trait bonuses adjusted

 - stage 2 needs 3->4 units

 - new stage 3, needs 6 units, grants 650hp & 20 armour

Simon changed from Arcane/Support -> Fernwood/Support


  • TFT 75 MB
    Jan 04, 2024
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