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Righto, hello then

The Bondage of Eliza
A browser game made in HTML5

So this here is The Bondage of Eliza, it's pretty much a roguelike wherein instead of taking damage from enemies, you take restraints.

At the moment, I still stand in the systems-building phase, which means that new content will come neither thick nor fast. Instead I am building the skeleton around which new content can be added. That's going to take a while, it's already taken a while.

Over time I'd like  to add more items of the kind that appear in my DeviantArt gallery, and provide a framework for others to create such items, but a lot those require complex logic which, at the risk of repeating myself, takes a while to build properly. It would also be good to have beneficial items, one idea that I have knocking about is Boxing Gloves, which act as bondage mitts but massively improve your knockback, which is currently and will mostly always be your main retaliation against adversaries.

There's only one floor at the moment, and like the game's namesake I'd like to have many floors in future with more than one distinct geographic path. The main path would continue with business as usual, but obviously with ever harder enemies, restraints and obstacles. Any alternative paths I think would be characterised by very absurd fetishes and concepts that nobody in their right mind would consider a fetish. It is a personal goal of mine to create something that is fetish-esque, but which as few people as possible actually find attractive.

Rooms and floors are probably what I'm going to work on next, so bye I'm going to go do that now.


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