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Character Intro #5- The Brownies Three, Sprites of the Shark's Den

Today we introduce the last few major neighbors in the prologue, the brownies three-Ringo, Basil, and Naiporo! Naiporo, a koropurkkur, is an honorary brownie, as he too used to serve the same niche as his friends in the land of Mosir, before humans move on to a new way of life.

Age: Basil and Ringo are very, very, VERY old-but Naiporo is only a mere 30, though because koropurkkur age slowly, he’s mentally still in his late teens/early 20s.

Species: Neighbors-Ringo and Basil are brownies, and Naiporo is, as mentioned, a koropokkur.

True Name: Ringo and Basil have real names from when they were in their prime-it is unknown to anyone but their long lost friends now. Naiporo’s name is his True Name, however, since koropukkur don’t really care for that system.

Ethnicity: Neighbors tend to use their species as a shorthand for ethnicity.

Nationality: Ringo lived in ancient Ierene (called Éireanne by him) but then moved to the Soctia Highlands for only god knows what before somehow landing himself in Keoan. Basil is also Ierenese. Naiporo is from Mosir, a snowy island north of Ryushima.

Quote: ”…We want to respect your wishes, even in the darkest of times-to let you live like a human would, even if we do not understand this choice.”

On the mounds of Ierene one sunny afternoon, a friendship bloomed between three little people who found one another traveling the world. After all, their people have long since pulled away from the world of man-the world is their oyster!

After years of traveling as a group, they landed in a new country, blessed with resources galore-and met the only changeling on it. Since meeting her, Ringo (rightmost), Basil (leftmost), and Naiporo (bottom) would teleport into her room, gather around the sunny windowsill, eat, check on her, and even help her as she lived among humans, who they see as cruel and honestly kinda lame in comparison to their own kind.

However, to their shock, the changeling, who, in their eyes, is a wondrous being that can tap into the veil and is the king of transformation, in a burst of shame and pride, asked them not to interfere when she’s struggling, and to not teach her how to wield her power properly, as humans-which she seems to aspire to be like, for some reason-don’t have little magical friends to make life easier for them, nor do they use their magic the way she does. Despite this, the changeling still feeds them and even speaks to them-but never do they act against her will, out of respect for her bizarre goals.

Ringo, the bold and chipper, believes she should go back to the realm his kind escaped to when they lost everything, as humans will chew her apart as they do all creatures, human and not. Basil, the calm and empathetic druid, believes the same, but respects her choice and just wants her to be safe. Naiporo, the loud-mouthed and brash, wants Luana to think for herself, and reach for the stars no matter what they all think.

As the prologue goes on, the fire forged sprite friends act as Luana’s supernatural support group, watching her make her moves as she forges a life for herself with newfound vigor.

Final Word

The next character intro will be the last, and from then on updates about the game’s progress will replace these. I hope these were informative and got you a little pumped to see what the story is all about! Stay tuned to meet the last main character of the prologue, a mundane person that has more to her than meets the eye. See you then, and happy new year, by the way!


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