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HackOS: New Version 0.2 (English)

A downloadable game for Windows

About Update

Remove Bugs

New features

Change GUI



  1. Removed some settings tabs (Useless)
    1. Video
    2. Other
  2. Removed some settings
    1. Animation (Not a priority)
    2. Screen resolution (Not a priority)
  3. Changed settings GUI
    1. Language
  4. Text changed
  5. Button
    1. Two color change (gray -> white) size change (2 -> 4)
    2. Main color change ( (20,20,20) -> (15,15,15) )


  1. Command Variation (Relief)
    1. job : /j, jb, mission
    2. history : /hi, cmdhist
    3. help : /h, cmdlist
    4. clear : /c, clear all
    5. history clear: /ch, /hc, clear history, clear all, c history
    6. И прочие...
  2. New method to history command (Optimization)
  3. New method to work command (Optimization)
  4. Better customization (Through the development environment)
  5. Sound


  1. New method to connection (Relief)
  2. Changed Twitch chat integration
  3. Chat customization (Through the development environment)
  4. Delete some code (Optimization)

About future


  • Music and SFX
  • Code optimization
  • Customization (Through the development environment)
  • Settings
  • Uk language
  • 2 gamemode

The plan is to

  • More language
  • Mods
    • Customization of already existing modes
    • Creating New Gamemodes
    • Customization Twitch integration
    • Customization/Creating other language
  • 3 gamemode

 Questions that may arise

 Why are different parts of the game being developed?

- Because creating one thing is very annoying and after a while new solutions don't come to mind
Why optimize code for a game that consumes nothing?

- First of all it is convenient for me - Less confusing code -> faster code creation. And so, optimization will not hurt. Nobody knows what this project will turn into in the future.
Why is customization through the development environment already being created, but mod support is not?

- The thing is that mod support is hard. It is one thing when you already have all the variables in your script, but another thing when you have to take this variable from a third-party file, which is not mentioned in the code in any way.

If you have any questions - ask, I will do my best to answer them!

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