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The whole story, for non ITA/Trentino speakers

Aventura nel Castel [Dialetto trentino]
A browser game made in HTML5

(Please note that, due to lack of time, the following is almost entirely a machine translated text, quickly edited. Sorry about that, I barely had the time to finish the other versions!)

Adventure in Castel Beseno (?)

(English version based on the Trentino dialect game)

(Highlighted, the changes to the main story)

In the ancient Alpine legends of the lost Kingdom of Fanes, it is told that the queen and her people have been hiding for centuries beneath Lake Braies, alongside their allied community of groundhogs.
hey await the sound of silver trumpets, which could finally allow them to resurface. 

Legends also speak of an ancient treasure hidden beneath Canazei, which the king could never find, along with his vast riches amassed by exploiting the dwarfs in the mines.

You come across these tales during an evening at the tavern, and, fueled by a few too many drinks, you promise everyone present that you will embark on a quest to find these treasures.

The next day, it's too late to back out.
A promise made is a promise kept.
You head to Mattarello Airport, where you keep your single-seat plane (no less expensive than your flying license), and take off.
Towards Ladin territories, on your grand adventure!


You've just taken off in your small plane and are flying over the Adige Valley in the Trento area.
You don't even have time to gain altitude when:

- The compass is not working
- The onboard radio only picks up Radio Maria
- You forgot your packed lunch
- The engine starts to misfire
...And the controls are no longer responding!

Off to a great start!

You're plummeting!
What do we do?

+ Put on the parachute

Look, there's a parachute! I hadn't seen it at all! I swear I'll pay more attention from now on and report everything I see.
Anyway, I've put it on.
You're plummeting!

+ Jump

So close!
The plane crashes as your parachute opens. 

You descend slowly in the evening light. Below you, the gloomy valley is already in shadow, even though it's only 4:00 PM.

The wind pushes you towards an old, elongated castle that you suspect being Castel Beseno. 
As you fold up the parachute (always keep your belongings tidy, mind you!), you start to look around.

You're in the courtyard: a large square of packed earth, surrounded by gray stone walls.
In the center of the courtyard, a large flat stone covers the mouth of an old well.
In the distance, you hear wolves howling.
I see a drawbridge raised.
I see a closed gate.

+ Open the gate/+ Enter the gate

The gate slams shut forcefully; not even a hair could pass through.
You're in the foyer; it's spacious, but almost pitch-dark. The walls gleam just enough to recognize the boundaries of the room.
A grand marble staircase leads upstairs. Despite the luminescence of the walls, it's too dark to see its end.
On the ceiling, I see a coat of arms.

+ Examine the coat of arms

It bears the inscription of the lineage:
"The outsider will fall."
Suddenly, a trapdoor opens under your feet.
You find yourself in the castle's dungeons, once called "The tomb". The floor is covered with skeletons.
On the wall, there is a hole.

+ Take a bone/+ Insert the bone into the hole

A blade comes down abruptly, cutting through the bone like butter. Fortunately, it wasn't your arm! Slowly, a crack widens...

+ Leave the bone/+ Enter the crack

You are in a small square room, once used as a tool storage.
A bit of light filters through the ceiling.
I see a spiked mace.

+ Take the mace/+ Go up

Indeed, the ceiling of the storage room is a trapdoor. You move it with difficulty, and after passing through, it closes heavily behind you, blocking the passage.

+ Go east/+ Go north

You find yourself in a long hall, so long it resembles a corridor. It is flanked by two rows of columns supporting the vaulted ceiling.
Despite their age and the signs of time, the columns perfectly showcase the skill of those who carved them.
In the center of the hall, you see a small marble column placed on a low pedestal.

+ Examine the column

The small column features a luminous and silvery inlay. It bears half of a powerful magic word:


+ Go south/+ Go east/+ Leave the parachute/+ Go west/+ Go west/+ Go up/+ Go east/+ Go down/+ Go west/+ Go north

You are in the castle's library, the walls are packed with shelves and racks, loaded with books of all kinds.
In the center of the room, in front of an exquisite armchair, you see an iron lectern.
On the lectern, I see a closed book.

+ Open the book

From the old yellowed pages, a slightly scorched piece of paper emerges.

+ Take the paper/+ Read the paper

Even though scorched, it is still possible to read a word.
It only says:


+ Leave the paper/+ IOTAID

The magic word echoes through the ancient arches...
A wall shelving unit rotates on itself.
Behind it, you see a spacious room.

+ Go west

You are in the old throne room, where the king dealt with the kingdom, made decisions, and met ambassadors...
Along the walls, two niches that housed the king's guards.
The majestic wooden throne is entirely decorated and inlaid.
In front of the throne, you notice a walled door that perhaps was once the entrance to the corridor.

+ Sit on the throne

The cushion is not as comfortable as I hoped.

+ Take the cushion

Under the cushion, there is a wooden case.

+ Leave the cushion/+ Open the case

In the case, there is an old parchment.

+ Take the parchment/+ Go east

I see a book on the lectern.
I see a scorched piece of paper.

+ Read the book

It's a dictionary of ancient Ladino.
It contains a collection of Ladino terms, each with its translation in Italian and some comments.

The words are listed in alphabetical order, from A to Zed. There is also a chapter containing proverbs, expressions, and grammatical and pronunciation rules.
Have you ever seen a dictionary before?

+ Translate the parchment

It reads:
"Only with SENNO (Wisdom, in Italian, needed to navigate the labyrinth) will you escape the labyrinth"

+ Leave the parchment
+ Go west/+ Go north/+ Look at the table

On the edge of the table, a phrase is engraved:

"The false king betrayed us; the words of the crown will remind him even in death"

+ Go south/+ Go east/+ Go east/+ Go north (until you reach the king's room, even if you bump into a mirror)/+ Go west/+ Go north

You are in the music hall, where parties were held, and games and other activities were organized to entertain those living in the castle.
Now, only cobwebs remain.

I see a lute.
I see a bagpipe.
I see a bark flute.

+ Look the bagpipe

This instrument was used by mountain shepherds to entertain the grazing cows. It was never used in the village to avoid causing disturbance, although in the Lagarina Valley, some people still play it today even in the absence of cows.

+ Look the bark flute

This is a bark flute. In Ladin, it's called "scibolot". It's perfect for accompanying the reading of a good book.

+ Take the bark flute/+ Go west/+ Go west/+ Go west/+ Go south

You are in the alchemist's cell.
It's full of crucibles, pestles, alembics, and numerous other objects to which you wouldn't even know how to give a name.
On the shelves, there are very heavy books related to magic, alchemy, and spells.
In the center of the room, a small table with legs carved like the feet of some monster that seems to have come out of a nightmare.
On the table, a huge leather-bound book:

"The Sorcerer's Apprentice" (Spina de Mul)

+ Play the bark flute/+ Leave the bark pipe/+ Read the volume

I can make out only one word:


+ Go north/+ Go east/+ Go south/+ Go west

You are in the main hall, so full of luxurious sofas and armchairs that it's impossible to count them. You also notice a huge fireplace, a carved stone frame, at the center of one of the walls. Despite the fire being extinguished for centuries, there seems to be a faint red light moving and illuminating everything. 

On the floor, you see a groundhog.

+ Take the groundhog
The groundhog is friendly and was eagerly waiting for you. Jumping into your arms, it speaks to you: "You are our only hope! When the Great Hour comes, you must turn to the sky and play the silver trumpet, freeing the people of the Fanes who have been hiding underground for centuries along with us groundhogs!"
+ Go south/+ Go east/+ Go south/+ Go west/+ Go up/+ Go east/+ Go down/+ Go down/+ Go north

I see an angry orc with huge tusks. Must be one of those from Roncegno's legends.


The groundhog grows to impressive proportions...
it looks at you carefully...
it also looks carefully at the orc...
The groundhog attacks the orc, devours it, and then takes its leave for a digestive nap.

+ Go south/+ Go up/+ Go up/+ Go north/+ Go down/+ Go west/+ Go west

You are in the grand dining room.
I see a bowl full of honey milk.

+ Take the bowl+Go south/Go west

You find yourself in an elongated room, devoid of furniture.
On the walls, paintings hang portraying all the kings and queens who have ruled the castle and its lands throughout the centuries. It almost seems like the canvases cast malicious glances.

Especially one, depicting the king of the Fanes.

His gaze seems to curse you, and his eyes, filled with hatred, continue to follow you.

+ Go north/+ Look at the armor

A ceremonial armor, flaunting wealth and possessions. You've seen similar ones in museums, but this one features a crown that looks significant.

+ Take the crown/+ Look at the crown

Inside the crown, there is an inscription that looks like a spell to be read at the right moment.

+ Look at the spell

The words "Falzarego, retréte" are engraved in the crown. A phrase in an ancient language charged with mystical power.

+ Go north/+ Go east/+ Go east/+ Go east/+ Go up/+ Go south/+ Go down/+ Go down/+ Go north/+ Go north/+ Go west/+ Go south

You find yourself in the treasure room, a massive chamber supported by massive arches.
The room is directly below the throne room.
I see a spacious chest.

+ Open the chest

The ghost of the king of the Fanes stands between you and the chest to defend his treasure from the intruder trying to take it.

+ Drink the honey milk/+ Read the spell/+ Yes

With a final, desperate wail, cursing you, the ghost of the treacherous king returns to the rocks where he has been trapped for centuries on Mount Lagazuoi.

+ Open the chest/+ Look at the chest

Of the legendary treasure of the king of the Fanes, only an old trumpet remains, but at least it's made of silver.

+ Take the trumpet/+ Leave the crown/+ Go north/+ Go west

You are in the woodshed, where neatly arranged branches and logs of various sizes are found.

I see a dwarf with a large diamond.

+ Introduce yourself

The dwarf must be a heavy drinker, so, to make him feel at ease, you begin to meticulously list all the bars where you stopped for at least one drink in the last month.
The dwarf listens to you, increasingly puzzled.
Although quite perplexed by your excessive familiarity...

- I am Silvano, by name and by nature. At your service. But your face looks familiar. Have we met somewhere else?
The dwarf is so delighted to finally meet a kind person that he gives you the diamond.

+ Take the diamond/+ Break the diamond/+ Take the key/+ Leave the mace/+ Go east/+ Go east/+ Go south/+ Go south/+ Go up/+ Go up/+ Go west/+ Go down/+ Go east/+ Go east/+ Take the parachute/+ Go up

You are at the top of the stairs. Instead of leading to a door, the steps end directly against the wall.

+ Push the wall

A portion of the wall moves, rotating, leaving you on the other side. The wall closes behind you.
You are at the entrance of the enormous magic labyrinth. It is said that every passage leads to this room, and neither men nor things can escape its attraction.
There are two skeletons on the floor.
On the wall, you notice a message written in blood:

"Impossible to escape from here"
+ Go south/+ Go east/+ Go north/+ Go north/+ Go west

You are in the large secret room, under the castle tower.
A cold breeze enters through impossible-to-spot cracks.
I see a lever.
I see an old clock, stopped.

+ Wind up the clock

The clock starts ticking again.

+ Look at the clock

It reads eleven fifty-seven.

+ Look at the clock

It reads eleven fifty-eight.

+ Look at the clock

It reads eleven fifty-nine.

+ Look at the clock

It strikes midnight.
Could this be the "Great Hour"?

+ Go up
+ Play the trumpet

The sound of the ancient trumpet resonates throughout the valley; its echo reaches the distant mountains.
From there, a small black dot approaches, gradually becoming larger.
In no time, it reaches the tower.

An eagle with a beak of fire and claws of gold sees you and swoops down, claws extended to seize you.

You have no way to escape it.
The eagle grabs you and lifts you, carrying you higher and higher.
The eagle continues to fly, and the ground beneath you passes quickly... in the distance, you recognize Lake Caldonazzo... Suddenly, the eagle lets you go.
You fall slowly as the sun sets.

Beneath you, you see the dark waters of Lake Caldonazzo.

The wind pushes you towards the center of the lake.
Fortunately, you manage to land on a small black rock.
As you fold the parachute, you begin to look around:
You are completely alone, abandoned on a black rock emerging from the icy waters.
I stand corrected. You are not completely alone.

On the nearest shore, there lies a huge lizard with a cat's head. Awakened by the noise, still half asleep, it begins to approach you.

It is undoubtedly a Tatzelwurm, and I don't think it's approaching just to keep you company.

Play the trumpet
The sound of the ancient trumpet resonates throughout the valley; its echo reaches the mountains in the distance.
You see a tiny black dot that gradually approaches, becoming larger.

In no time, it reaches you; it's the Province's helicopter!

It drops a ladder, and you climb it hastily.

You start climbing just as the Tatzelwurm's jaws close just inches from your feet.
During the journey to Trento, you share your adventure and show the silver trumpet, the only object you managed to save.
The cultural superintendent that was on that helicopter (what a fortunate coincidence!) lets out a cry of excitement:

- This is one of the Timpenes, the silver trumpets of the Fanes people, thought to be lost forever!

- It must be worth a fortune! - adds the pilot.

The helicopter arrives in Trento and lands in the Albere district.
You are promptly arrested for:

- Occupation of public land with airplane wreckage

- Violation of private castle property

- Theft of beverages (and consumption of the same)

- Maltreatment of groundhogs of noble origins

- Theft of archaeological artifacts

- Illicit movement of crowns and gems

- Disturbance of protected huge lizards

...and the list is far from complete.
In any case, as it should be, the trumpet is confiscated and displayed in the collection of the MUSE, the local museum.
The cultural superintendent, still excited by the discovery, steps forward and defends you.
Thanks to his eloquence, you are released, and you are also awarded a prize for your adventure:

A * FREE * ticket for a sightseeing tour on Lake Braies!

In any case, console yourself: you scored 1000 points and can boast of having achieved the feats of 

"QUEL DAL FORMAI" (THE GUY FROM THE CHEESE) (note: a semi-mythical figure from Trentino).

After a few days, you are visiting Lake Braies to take advantage of the prize trip.

You are sitting, savoring mulled wine, and serenely admiring the lake and mountains.
A muffled roar fills the air, and the earth trembles...
On the opposite shore, you see an endless line of people looking around a bit bewildered.
"They must be the usual Sunday tourists," you think.
Shortly after, you notice dozens of little dogs running freely among the tourists.
You are seized by doubt and, armed with binoculars, look closer.

Those people seem to come from a remote era, and the little dogs... are not little dogs, and not even cats... 

They are many groundhogs...

Could the sound of the trumpet have truly awakened the people of Fanes?!

Farewell, see you on the next adventure!

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