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Public Release: Patreon Bonus Stories

A Tale of Crowns
A browser game made in HTML5

Hey everyone!!

I know I haven't been as active with updates over the past few months. Progress on CH12 has been painfully slow going, though I'm still working on it, and hope the new year will kick my ass into gear 🙏🏼

In any case, I've decided to make it up to you by releasing extra Patreon snippets.

A whole bunch of them, actually. I'm releasing 4 snippets for each LI showing scenes from the game told through their point of view, with a combined wordcount of 9052 words.

The snippets included in this file are:

  • Meeting the Crown for the first time
  • Comforting the Crown after the nightmare in CH3
  • Seeing the Crown dressed up for the first time in CH4
  • Seeing the Crown's coronation vision in CH7

I've also included snippets showing how the Crown's parents met each other, how X met Tûjo and Heval, and how Perjin met R told from Perjin's perspective.

You can download the file from this link. It's a zip file, so you'll have to unzip it ("extract all" option after right-clicking it), then open up the index.html file in any browser of your choice. Just make sure not to move any of the files outside of its folder, or you'll break the images/fonts!

If you enjoy these snippets, consider pledging to my Patreon! You can view the total list of available snippets for each tier in this Google doc, it'll be updated as I add more stories each month.

Thanks so much for all your support over these years, hope you enjoy these bonus snippets.

Happy holidays!! 💖

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