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008: O Edvard

The 52 Fragments
A downloadable collection for Windows

Few images capture the raw power of the human voice as vividly as Edvard Munch's iconic painting "The Scream." This masterpiece, transcending time and culture, epitomizes the intense emotion that a simple act of vocal expression can convey. Inspired by this powerful symbol, the game fragment "Edvard" explores the primal force of the human scream, transforming it into a tool for navigating a virtual world.

The use of voice as a game mechanic is not entirely new, yet this fragment brings a unique twist to this concept. Games like "Phasmophobia" have dabbled in using voice not just as a method of communication among players but as an integral part of gameplay, affecting the environment and the experience. In O Edvard the player's voice – specifically, their scream – directly influences their movement and progress. It's a literal interpretation of the power of voice, turning sound into kinetic energy, propelling the player through a series of challenges in a Munch-esque landscape.

Beyond its gameplay mechanics, Edvard taps into a deeper, more therapeutic aspect of screaming. In psychological terms, a scream can be cathartic, releasing pent-up emotions and stress. It's a physical manifestation of inner turmoil, fear, excitement, or even joy. "Edvard" offers players a safe space to unleash their voices, to use their screams not just as a game mechanic but as a form of emotional release. The game becomes a conduit for expression, where players can let go of restraint and give voice to their feelings in the most literal sense.

The unique aspect of Edvard is how it translates the intensity and pitch of the player's scream into movement within the game. This creates an intriguing dynamic where players must balance the volume and duration of their scream to successfully navigate the game world. It's a delicate dance of control and abandon, mirroring life's constant balance between expressing ourselves and maintaining composure.

In the echoes of "The Scream," Edvard offers more than just a game – it offers an experience where voice is both the medium and the message, a bridge between art, emotion, and the digital world.


  • 806 MB
    Version 9
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