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Minor Public Version

A World Adrift (Cancelled)
A downloadable game for Windows

Here is the minor public update! 

Here are the changes since the last public release!

Options and Settings:

  • You are now able to choose between windowed and borderless fullscreen.
  • You are now able to set the game to maximize on start-up(enabled by default).
  • You are now able to set a default windowed resolution. A set of 23 common monitor resolutions are available to choose from, as is the option to enter in a custom resolution.

Please note that you will almost certainly want to adjust font size alongside resolution for things to scale nicely.


Slightly altered format of several UI screens. Some of this is simply improved layout, some of it is to allow the screen to better scale with resolution changes.

  • Main Menu slightly altered so hopefully version number will scale more politely.(only partial success)
  • Margins were decreased in the intro, to allow the text to make much better use of horizontal space.
  • The Character Creation was set to take up the whole screen, but parts will still be cut off on the two lowest resolution presets. Character creation is one of the most cursed segments of the code and ui design, and reworking it to scale better is not a task I was able to see through before my announced release date.
  • The Camp has had access to the options menu added and some buttons moved around. Margins have been reduced to make improved use of space. Popup screens are allowed to use slightly more space all around. Some button layouts are made neater.
  • Save/Load is now a "full" screen instead of a smaller window.(it actually functions the same way as before, just takes up the whole screen now). Minor reduction in the size of margins.
  • The Wait submenu now updates the displayed amount of HP and SP restored when text is entered instead of needing the user to hint enter or otherwise submit the value.
  • The Player Info(stats and appearance in the camp) submenu now has its close button take up the whole horizontal width so its easier to hit.
  • The Travel menu(what you get when you hit "Explore") has been converted to be a full window popup like Save/Load. It still looks pretty bad, but odds are its not long for this world anyways.
  • Inventory has had its margins decreased and makes better use of vertical space inside the window. It can still scale pretty poorly to lower resolutions, but making sure to adjust the font size helps A LOT.
  • Combat has gotten the same treatment as Character Creation, with it now using the whole screen. It'll go back to having nice margins later, but this was the best way for it to scale nicely without a more extensive refit. Several margins were reduced to have less(but not as much as I'd like) empty space.
  • Sex Scene UI had margins reduced, but little other alteration.
  • The Explore Event UI was left unaltered, it didn't need changes in my testing and much like the Travel menu its current incarnation isn't long for this world.
  • Options Menu is formatted more neatly. The fontsize slider has had its functionality altered so that it only updates font size when the slider is released. The fontsize number is still updated as you drag the slider so you know what size you're setting it to.
  • All drop-down menus I could find now require you to click on the option. Before if you held the mouse down on the click that opened the drop down menu then moused down over one of the option before releasing it it would act as if you had selected that option. Personally, I found this super annoying, but maybe people prefer the original functionality, so please give feedback.

Odds are there's probably a few minor bugfixes or other minor tweaks that have slipped in too that I've forgotten about, but nothing noticeable.

Gameplay remains unaltered, the dialogue system is not included at this time. I may make a post in the not too distant feature explaining/venting/bemoaning my difficulties and frustrations with it, but I don't really want to come off as whiny so I probably won't.


  • A World Adrift.exe 142 MB
    Dec 21, 2023
Download A World Adrift (Cancelled)
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