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New Features: Purchasable Gradient Main Menu Backgrounds and Hints

ProcGen Color Matching Game
A downloadable game

Since the introduction of the hints feature, there have been several major and minor updates to your color matching game. Here's a comprehensive description and explanation of each update:

1. **Hints Feature**:

   - **Description**: Players can use a hint to highlight 8 grid cells as potential matches for the target color, including 7 decoys and 1 correct match.

   - **Explanation**: This feature adds a strategic element to the game, allowing players to narrow down their choices and make more informed decisions.

2. **Dynamic Color Coins**:

   - **Description**: Players earn color coins based on their score. These coins change color dynamically, every millisecond, adding a visually engaging element to the game.

   - **Explanation**: This system not only provides a visual treat but also ties the in-game currency directly to the player's performance, making every point scored more rewarding.

3. **Procedurally Generated Gradient Background Purchase**:

   - **Description**: Players can spend color coins to purchase a unique, procedurally generated gradient background for the main menu.

   - **Explanation**: This feature enhances the game's customization, allowing players to personalize their experience. Each purchase yields a new and unique gradient, adding variety.

4. **Purchase Functionality for Gradient Backgrounds**:

   - **Description**: The function for purchasing gradient backgrounds deducts a fixed amount of color coins (10 coins) from the player's current balance.

   - **Explanation**: This change ensures that the cost of new gradients is subtracted from the player's existing coin balance, introducing a resource management aspect to the game.

5. **Color Coin System Synchronized with Score**:

   - **Description**: The color coin count is directly synchronized with the player’s score, meaning the coins increase or decrease in tandem with the score.

   - **Explanation**: This update tightly couples the earning of in-game currency with the player's performance, making the gameplay more coherent and the scoring system more impactful.

6. **Revised Gradient Purchase Logic**:

   - **Description**: Adjusted the logic for purchasing gradients to subtract the cost from the player’s current coin count rather than resetting it.

   - **Explanation**: This modification provides a more realistic and challenging economic system within the game, where players must manage their coin resources more carefully.

Each of these updates contributes to making the game more engaging, rewarding, and customizable. The introduction of strategic elements like hints, the dynamic visual appeal of color coins, and the personalization options through gradient purchases all work together to enhance the overall player experience.

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