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Cursor Boxer
A downloadable game for Windows

When I started the project, I just wanted it to be some quick silly game for the boss rush jam in 2024. I made a red ball character and called it a day. The original idea was you had to attack a boss heart to drain health.  I eventually made a red cursor to match the player character. Little did I know at the time, but soon enough the player would not be this red ball but the silly little cursor sprite I made instead.

In the meantime, I decided that instead of having a lot of bosses back-to-back, something like Cuphead where the only point of the game is to defeat a boss to unlock a boss, I would make it an endless game where you played as a Pidgeon in New York and defeated progressively larger and stronger drones (yes like the little remote control helicopter things). This idea was scrapped as I sucked at making a pixel art Pidgeon.

I realized that the game reminded me of something early internet-esq, especially the start button reminding me of a captcha. Something in my head clicked. 

I redid the art and made a quick prototype where you clicked captchas to defeat them and move on. I soon would make small mini-captchas that you had to click to unlock the big captcha. I made small auto-unclickers to undo your work. I made a boss checkmark with a lot of 'X's that you had to get through to unlock the big captcha.

It was complete. Or, sort of. I don't know if it could be called a 'boss rush' anymore, but to hell with that because for the first time in a while I made a game that I can say I'm proud of.

(Edit: I'm an idiot... Started before the jam let me and so ima try again with a different game.)


  • Windows Edition (CursorBoxer.exe) 8 MB
    Dec 20, 2023
Download Cursor Boxer
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