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Devlog 12/19/2023: We're back in business

Sala's Escape
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Now that I have my computer back (and better than it was when it went in, fuck you Windows 11) and I have wrapped up commission streams for the year (I won't be back until Jan 15) I have time to chew on that prototype combat system.

Let me lay out how that process will work:

Phase 1 - Drawing Prototype Battlers. I am setting up a separate RPGmaker game with the express purpose of testing puglins before they are implimented in Sala's Escape. This project, called princess rescue, will first need battler images. these are the character pictures you see at the bottom left of the screen in Sala's Escape. I have already completed battler images for two characters and am currently working on a third. (and make a few gameovers for Princess Rescue while I'm at it.)

Phase 2 - Find plugins / make plans. Should be self explanitory. What I need are enemy AI plugins and need to think of a way to make the bondage in combat "fair." I might try some progressive state plugins, so if all your characters are completely tied up, you lose the combat.

Phase 3 - Nuclear Tests - Put the battler prototypes and plugin/plans together in Princess Rescue to see if it will work.

Phase 4 - stability tests - put the new plugins in a separate copy of Sala's Escape to see if it will hold together

Phase 5 - Drawing real battlers. Unlike the Princess Rescue ones, these ones will be in full color.

Phase 6 - put the battlers, etc. in the copy of Sala's Escape.

Phase 7 - Test(icles, lol) thoroughly test the system.

Phase 8 - Release

Post game plan: Plan the Merciless Level and Leader System. Both of which will involve repeating the CG phase of Sala's Escape twice (kill me)  and prepare for the next content update: the forest! 

That's all for now. Merry Christmas!


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