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New Color Generation

ProcGen Color Matching Game
A downloadable game
  1. Color Generation Across Difficulty Levels:
    • The game now ensures that every difficulty level can produce a wide variety of colors. This means that regardless of the difficulty selected, the game can generate any color imaginable.
    • The primary difference between the difficulty levels lies in how similar the colors on the grid are to the target color, not in the range of colors themselves.
  2. Difficulty-specific Color Variation:
    • Really?: The offset is the largest (180), meaning the colors on the grid can be very different from each other and the target color.
    • Easy: A smaller offset (120), leading to colors on the grid being somewhat similar to the target color.
    • Medium: Further reduced offset (60), increasing the challenge by making the grid colors more similar to the target color.
    • Hard: Even smaller offset (30), making it more challenging to distinguish the correct color.
    • Impossible: The smallest offset (15), where the grid colors are almost identical to the target color, providing the highest level of difficulty.
  3. Color Variant Generation Function (generateColorVariant):
    • This function adjusts each RGB component of the target color by a certain amount (offset) based on the difficulty.
    • The offset determines how much each color component can vary, with a larger offset allowing a greater range of variation.
  4. Purpose of the Update:
    • The update aims to maintain a balance between variety and challenge. While ensuring a wide spectrum of colors is possible at all difficulty levels, it also increases the challenge by subtly adjusting how similar the other colors on the grid are to the target color as the difficulty level increases.
  5. Gameplay Experience:
    • Players will still experience a rich diversity of colors in each round, but the difficulty affects how easy or hard it is to spot the correct color in the grid. For example, in the "Impossible" difficulty, all colors on the grid will closely resemble the target color, making it challenging to find the correct one.

Overall, this update enhances the game by providing varied gameplay across different difficulty levels while preserving the game's core mechanic of color matching. The game remains accessible and enjoyable for players seeking either a casual experience or a more challenging puzzle.


  • ProcGen Color Matching Game.html 8 kB
    Dec 19, 2023
Download ProcGen Color Matching Game
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