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New Features: Streaks and High Score System

ProcGen Color Matching Game
A downloadable game

Major Updates:

  1. Streak Counter Addition:
    • A streak counter was introduced to keep track of consecutive correct guesses by the player.
    • The streak counter increments with each correct guess and resets to zero upon an incorrect guess.
    • This addition aimed to add an extra layer of challenge and encourage players to aim for higher streaks.
  2. Score Reset on Replay:
    • The game was modified so that the score and streak reset to zero when the player quits and replays the game.
    • This change ensured a fresh start for each game session, making it fairer and more engaging for players.
  3. High Score System:
    • A high score system was implemented, based on the highest streak achieved by the player.
    • The high score is displayed on the main menu and updates whenever the player breaks the previous high score.
    • This feature added a competitive element, motivating players to surpass their best performance.

Minor Updates:

Timer Pause on Correct Guess:

  • The timer was adjusted to pause when the player chooses the correct answer. This prevented the game from ending due to the timer running out while the confetti animation was playing, ensuring the player's correct action was appropriately rewarded.
  1. Quit Game Functionality:
    • Enhanced the 'quit game' functionality to properly reset the game state, ensuring a clean slate for each new session.
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