is community of indie game creators and players


Release 1.0

Doubt's Dungeon
A downloadable game

First Release! 

This release is the first public build for Doubts Dungeon and we couldn't be happier about how much the game has come along since first starting it five months ago. This build was used as a demo at the PlayTest Planet charity event hosted by Night City and featured the hub room and a sample room that was a Survival Mode. We will incorporate a lot of the feedback we received from that event along with the following expanded features and ideas 

  • Adding multiple rooms with different objectives 
  • Implementing a stress mechanic in place of traditional health
  • Incorporate more of the mental health theming into the project without it being tasteless or forced
  • A final boss 

Thank you to everyone who has or will play our game. 

Doubts Dungeon Dev Team


  • Doubt's Dungeon 12-15 Build 651 kB
    Dec 18, 2023
Download Doubt's Dungeon
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