is community of indie game creators and players


hi smol

Smol Dice Roller!
A browser game made in HTML5

Hello smol


nah but fr i'm so happy to be your friend, we've been getting closer over the year and i'm so happy that you are my compatriot, brother in arms for the insanity, to find a person that mind melds with me so well; for the most part of the year ive been getting in such a rut and ultimely kinda felt alone in my hobbies and just life in general, i kinda lost just a special person who im able to spew words to whenever im having the "Ill in the Head" moments, when you started to join me in the QSMP addiction i felt not so alone anymore. and talking mroe and more and jsut sharing parts of ourselves betwen, i never felt so...ig nto alone, like the universe didnt feel so alone. like im not the only person in the world whose been going through it, you're my clone as much as i am your clone, soulmates ig

it might be teh mutual charlie slimecicle and krunkin fixations who knows

youre always so talented and creative, youre funny as fuck and always the highlight of my day whenever i can converse with yous, no matter what I want to meet you someday, hug and tell you in your face youre amazing

i hope the new year is plentiful for you, i hope the world is kind to you and gives you a lil kiss on the forehead, i hope you get a pretty cake with all your favoruite toppings and that the taste sticks on your toungue like a memory, love you so much bud

your the best YOUr THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!


  • 9.4 MB
    Dec 20, 2023