is community of indie game creators and players


Swing and a Miss

Survivor's Flame
A browser game made in HTML5

From the Producer

After a slew of successful game jams and completed submissions, I knew a time was going to come where things weren't going to exactly flow so well due to the varying dynamics of unfunded collaboratives, and that day came today, in December 2023's edition of the Godot Wild Jam.

The game is a 2D top-down adventure about a girl who needs warmth to survive long enough to find a band of other survivors. For a team of four talented developers with a bevy of recent jam experience, it should've been, what we call on the east coast, a "cakewalk."

Despite best efforts and a relatively consistent pace (as well as a very manageable scope), we couldn't quite get there in the end. Truthfully, there was an art production issue on this jam that couldn't be helped, and so the the game that we have decided to submit anyway and you may play will be a bit unfinished. I suppose we are either masochists who enjoy being tortured, or more optimistically, will let what constructive criticism there is in the feedback hone our skills and glean something from this experience. Either way, we are grateful for your cattle prod.

Can't help but to think that some endeavours you do in life have an energy of their own, and if all the gears aren't exactly aligned, the machine may still run, but will not finish manufacturing the intended product despite the hope being there that it would. I suppose that's the best analogy I can come up with my eyelids heavier than a 45-pound barbell.

Nonetheless, the foundations of a fun game are here. Mesmerizing sound, rock-solid mechanics, promising art. We have tentatively voted to continue work on this game after the jam ends, but I think most who compete in jams realize what this commitment usually results in, so we will see what fate has in store for Survivor's Flame. But if you are reading this and have had a chance to sample our nine days of work, depending on your perspective, we:

  1. Apologize.
  2. Thank you for your patronage.

As we also say near the grave of the Titanic, "better luck next time."



  • 82 MB
    Version 21
  • 82 MB
    Version 19
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