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Development Started | LAND HO!

My Little Lighthouse
A downloadable game for Windows

Hello Everyone! So after the devastating blow of losing all my files for SILENT SUBMERSION I got really demotivated and depressed. So been trying to just get back into the game development groove.  I was playing some other indie games recently and came across one that you walk around a lighthouse and enjoy the scenery, I thought to myself. "Well, imagine what if..." then the imagination sparked. So I opened a new project and began working on it.

Which I think is super cool. So what is My Little Lighthouse? Well its essentially a walking simulator, You are brought to this island after discovering you inherited a light house. While a little worse for ware you take on the challenge of upgrading and updating the light house, Collecting money from fishing and sending in research data, and just generally enjoying the time on the island. The game is meant to be light and airy, with enough game play to be able to relax too.  I'm super excited to an an ALPHA build out soon to have everyone play test and gather feedback but that will be a little while longer! 

SO.  if you want to keep up to date, I will be doing more Dev logs here on Itch But also documenting it on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL

Download My Little Lighthouse
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