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Update 12 - New maps

Match Tree
A browser game made in HTML5

Besides several bug fixes, this is a content update. I added several new maps and brought them in a rough order. 
You still need to pick them yourself after finishing one. 

The jumping and moving is more relyable now. Also when they get stuck and can't jump anymore, they will plant their resource in the corner they are stuck in, which can give you another opportunity for a match. 

There was also a bug where you couldn't win, when you had more than one goal. 

I experimented with shortening the chains from 4 upgrades to 3 but that didn't feel great so for now I kept it like this. 

Next I want implement either a proper map menu and unlocking process or more events like the sheep. 

Let me know what you think and if you could solve the maps. Some are hard!


  • 10 MB
    Dec 16, 2023
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