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v1.7 - Some Adjustments

  • New: Premade game setup, allows setting up premade games in the plugin parameters and then calling it via unique name during event processing. This is recommended for MV users or users who do not want to continuously copy and paste the same game everywhere.
  • Adjustment: Basic rectangle projectile collider only used when width and height of projectile are equal
  • New: Advanced rectangle collider added.
  • New: Audio setup for game added, no longer reliant on script call.
  • Demo: Enemy bullet color changed to red to avoid blending with the background.


  • 473 MB
    Dec 16, 2023
  • Synrec_StarShooter.js 185 kB
    Dec 16, 2023
Download RPG Maker MV/MZ: Bullet Hell Maker
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