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Devlog 1: Introductions

A downloadable game for Windows

Welcome, fellow visitor, to the first devlog for PROGNET CEO. It's been a long journey since we kicked off development in January 2023. For those just joining us, you can check the video below catch you up to speed in a jiffy.

Our game draws inspiration from classic FPS titles and a touch of nostalgia. Picture games like Halo Combat Evolved, Project IGI, Hidden and Dangerous, Prince of Persia Warrior Within, Made Man, and more, embracing forgotten gems that resonate with old-school enthusiasts.

In terms of gameplay, expect a blend of platforming, mind-bending puzzles, and adrenaline-pumping combat. And behind every great game lies an epic story; ours is brewing as we speak. While I can't spill all the beans just yet, check out the game's page for a sneak peek.

A quick heads-up: this is a solo dev project, so updates may come in bursts. Juggling game development and university life means sporadic progress, but I'm hustling to roll out a demo while crafting the full game. Your support means the world to me along this journey. Cheers, and stay tuned for the next update!

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