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Early alpha testing possible now. Interested?

Luna's Father
A downloadable Luna

Now the game is far from finished. You can only play the game's first chapter (out of four the complete game will have), and many features do not yet work properly (if they work at all), but what I have is kinda playable. If you are interested in very early alpha testing, you can now drop me a note. 

I placed some brief instructions on my Github page and you can find them if you click here. Needless to say that I'll have to require you to create a Github account so you can use it to write any issues you find on my issue tracker. 

I will only allow a few alpha testers, so the quicker you are the better.  I will send the link to the page where you can find the downloads (which I update every day I work on the game, unless at the end of the day (Dutch local time) the game is too unstable for even alpha testers). 
Of course, keep the link secret and if you see the game, not spoil the story before the game is even out. I guess that goes without saying, but hey,  just to say it again never hurts, right?

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