Posted December 15, 2023 by bluehexagons
Antistatic bleeding edge builds are now available as a free demo!
There are a ton of changes under the hood, including a rewritten build system and many many bug fixes. Because of the number of changes, I expect there to be a lot of problems. For example, online play has not been tested and is likely to have serious issues.
The 0.8 line will focus on quality of life: fixing bugs, improving the UI, overhauling netplay, revising the lighting model, and eventually giving the game a better visual identity.
Requires Windows 10 or later, and the x64 Microsoft Visual C++ runtime:…/vc_redist.x64.exe
You can also find Antistatic on the antistatic-releases repository on my GitHub. While the code is still mostly proprietary, I have been opening up more components of the game: launcher, translation files, lobby server, input synchronization code, a port/continuation of an easing library used for Antistatic’s animations, and my very janky in-house animation tool. If you want to support Antistatic and my open-source development, please consider sponsoring me on GitHub or buying Antistatic. Thanks!