is community of indie game creators and players


Hot Steam and Blue Skies

Paradise Inc.
A browser game made in HTML5

We're on Steam!

It's official - we did it!  Paradise Inc.  is available on Steam.  We've integrated 50+ game achievements with the Steam platform, made some general tweaks and adjustments, improved the display of some of the artwork, and added a font size adjustment setting to make reading a little easier on the eyes.

Paradise will remain free to play on and our website, but if you love our work and want to support us, please consider either purchasing the game or leaving a review for others.  (Or both!)  Word of mouth and good reviews are invaluable to us indie devs!

We're on BlueSky!

You can find us over on BlueSky at now, too!  While we are still technically on the-website-formerly-known-as-Twitter (@sinspirationalg), both of us are no longer comfortable using that as our main social media account and will no longer maintain an active presence there.  If it ever turns around and the platform stops being so...uh.... 'problematic', we may consider returning.  In the meantime, we're off to bluer skies.

We're done for the year!

Now that we've got ourselves on Steam and fixed all the typos (...right?  right??), we're done for the year.  Our Patreon has been paused, and we're washing our hands of gamedev talk until 2024.  You can still catch us on Discord for chitchats, but Luciana had made Cambion promise not to talk about "what's next" until after the holidays.

....but wait!  There's more!

There is one thing we're working on before the end of the year:  an official walkthrough guide!  There's no ETA on it just yet, but it'll be Very Soon™.  Keep an eye on our social media or Discord for the announcement once it's done!

Download Paradise Inc.
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