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Journal Entry Six: Final Build

The World
A downloadable Game for Windows

Final Critique Build

It is time. Unfortunately the 2 weeks left are up. Progress has been okay, but overall much less than expected. I have faced countless issues with UE that has set me back hours of work each time. I have had my level randomly corrupt about 4 times and probably averaged a crash every 5 minutes of work.

That being said the final critique build exists, it is pretty bare bones but it has some improvements from the last post, lets get into it!

Menus and Voice Selection

The main menu has been updated once again! Along with this I aimed to include customization options for the character. Unfortunately as you will see a little further in this post, some of these customization additions were unable to be implemented, but I was able to include a voice selection system!

Before starting the level you are able to select a feminine or masculine voice! Each option has a full set of dialogue for each interaction within the build and adds a more relatable touch to your character!

The new menu's also include a settings page where you can crank up the graphics to max and get some realll pretty and sharp graphics! This setting will probably melt your pc tho 

so many trees

Journal System

Another new menu addition is simple journal system! Throughout the demo you can unlock journal entries that give you a bit more context into the world and the character you play as! There is even a secret journal entry you can discover by leaving the path!

Model Updates!

The house models are now textured! And there is a new model addition, the pump and pump tower!

Unfortunately the improved character model was unable to be imported into the game : ( but below you can see an updated version of the model.

NPC Interactions!

In this build you are able to interact with a couple of NPCs throughout your short quest to the village!

Here are some screenshots of that, they are fully animated and voiced, with the later two interactions utilizing MoCap from Rokoko Vision!

Thats pretty much everything, I am still working on getting the build posted since the unreal project happened to become 50gb and the build is very much so over the upload limit, but there is a workaround I am troubleshooting! Once its up give it a try and let me know what you think!

Ill leave this log with some more screenshots

Download The World
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