is community of indie game creators and players


week eleven

vr dev log yr2
A downloadable game

after making a lot of progress in making the room and atmosphere, I created the actors in which i am going to use to make the second design challenge which is the interactive painting simulator.

after doing some more research in how to make this feasible, I looked at different YouTube videos to see if i could find any useful videos to which i found a video of something similar to what i want to do

however, it wasn't for vr so i had to make some adjustments to make it function the way i wanted it to

a tiny mistake i made while creating the canvas during this design challenge is that instead of changing the value of my constant to one i accidentally converted it to a parameter and renamed it '1' instead of actually changing the value.

something difficult i have come across is making it so when the user holds down their right trigger on the controller it will paint on the canvas, i am planning on looking into what blueprints i need to alter to allow me to do this.

working out how to convert a vector into a float through multiplication, it didn't take me long but i was a bit frustrated at first.

"only exact matching structures are compatible"

i just finished making my painting design challenge and will be working on fixing my door next week along with the button and lever, thank you <3

Useful Links:

VR Mode Controls | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation

"Only exactly matching structures are compatible." - Programming & Scripting / Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums (