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New update - Animation !

Don't Touch The Spikes
A downloadable game for Windows

DevUpdate:  Don't Touch The Spikes - Released.V-1.20

Hey Spikers,

I'm thrilled to announce the latest update for "Don't Touch The Spikes," and I've got some exciting features and improvements to share with you!

1. Particle Extravaganza: Get ready for a dazzling new particle effect! Now, each jump leaves a trail of dynamic particles behind you. Watch as they follow your every move, adding a vibrant and immersive touch to your Spiking adventure.

2. Spike-tacular Animations: The spikes got an upgrade! Experience smoother and more engaging spike animations as they appear and disappear with finesse. The new transitions add a touch of elegance to the game, making your encounters with spikes even more thrilling.

3. Hardcore Mode Teaser: Brace yourselves for a challenge! I'm currently working on a Hardcore Mode that promises to take your Spiking skills to the limit. Expect intensified gameplay, faster spikes, and a more relentless experience. Are you up for the challenge?

4. Spike Spawning Tweaks: I've tinkered with the spike spawning algorithms, refining the process to ensure a more seamless and challenging gameplay experience. Expect spikes to appear with greater precision and variety.

5. Hitbox Makeover: Both players and spikes have undergone a hitbox makeover. The adjustments ensure that interactions between the player and spikes are more accurate and responsive, enhancing the overall gameplay.

6. Data Loading Bug Squashed: Good news! I've fixed the pesky bug that caused issues with loading data from previous games. Now, your game data loads correctly, ensuring a smooth continuation of your Spiking journey.

7. Game Timer Added: I've introduced a timer to keep track of your Spiking sessions. Now you can see exactly how long you've managed to avoid those treacherous spikes. Challenge yourself to beat your best time!

As always, your feedback is invaluable in shaping the game. Feel free to share your thoughts, suggestions, or even your high scores. Keep Spiking, and stay tuned for more updates!

Happy Spiking, T1WiLLi :D


  • Don't Touch The Spikes 41 MB
    Dec 10, 2023
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